Open Up Resources’ high school ELA curriculum offering – Odell Education High School Learning Program (HSLP) – has received the highest rating of “All-Green” Meets Expectations by EdReports for 2022.
EdReports is an independent, nonprofit, educator-led curriculum reviewer of K-12 materials. Educator-led teams develop rubrics and evidence guides used by separate educator-led teams that conduct rigorous reviews of curricula. Evidence-rich, independently reviewed reports are then released to the public for free in order to empower educators in selecting high quality materials for their students.For grades 9-12, Odell HSLP is said to meet the expectations of alignments to the Common Core English Language Arts (ELA) standards. That means the materials were found to include instruction, practice, and authentic application of reading, writing, speaking and listening, as well as language work deemed both engaging and appropriate in level of rigor for each grade.
Odell HSLP “Meets Expectations” for all three gateways used to rate each grade level: Text Quality, Building Knowledge and Usability.
Open Up Resources responded that the organization is “grateful for the positive review awarded by EdReports for the Odell Education High School Literacy Program curriculum. We appreciate and value the evidence and insight the EdReports team has provided.”
It also highlights some areas of the curriculum that may not “fully align with the EdReports review philosophy.” The curriculum is designed to analyze robust texts through student-centered, student-led analyses – allowing them to pose questions, inquire deeply, reflect and evolve as independent thinkers. The curriculum is also built to be flexible and adaptable for teachers to meet their students’ unique needs and interests. There are optional lessons and activities that allow teachers to make pacing decisions and eliminate the need to use an explicit scope and sequence. Grammar and syntax is supported through a robust suite of tools and references guides; and not always explicit teacher instruction. The full response by Open Up Resources can be read here.
Open Up Resources also noted that it “is delighted to be giving schools across the county the opportunity to benefit from Odell Education High School Literacy Program’s student-centered literacy curriculum in order to build critical literacy skills and knowledge for success in life.”
Contact us for more information about Odell Education High School Literacy Program.